Sackville town council meets Monday night for their regular monthly council meeting. Council will start off in camera at 6:15pm to discuss a human resources item, and then at 7pm, the public meeting is scheduled to begin.

Beyond the usual departmental reports, councillors will be asked to consider a number of motions, including:

Another possibly contentious item up for a vote will be the first reading of amendments to the town’s Street Traffic By-law that would permit skateboards on public streets.

Three councillors (Hicks, Estabrooks and Tower) have spoken against the by-law revisions, and three (Evans, Black, and Butcher) have spoken in favour. Councillor Sabine Dietz has said she’s on the fence on the issue, and councillor Bruce Phinney voted against the motion to pursue changes back in April. With Phinney away for today’s meeting, it seems that Dietz will cast the deciding vote on the issue.

Today’s vote will be on first reading only of the by-law revisions. They must also pass second and third reading before becoming part of Sackville’s by-laws.

Residents are invited to attend the public portion of tonight’s meeting starting at 7pm, either in person if they register in advance, or online through Microsoft Teams. The meeting will also be livestreamed.