Conflicting views on views: Lafford confident, neighbour critical of plans for six-storey building overlooking Waterfowl Park

Tantramar council voted unanimously on Tuesday to go ahead with a process to consider rezoning a property owned by John Lafford, and amending the town’s R3 zone to allow for buildings up to 65 feet high. Council set the date for a public hearing on both matters for June 27, 3pm, during its Committee of the Whole meeting.

The property in question is at 131 Main Street, a large historic white building that has served a commercial space and ad hoc apartments over the years. In 2014, under different ownership and a different council, it was turned down for rezoning that would have allowed for a three-storey, 18-unit apartment building in the rear part of the lot. Lafford’s proposal is for a six-storey, 71-unit building with one level of underground parking, on the same spot.

Rendering of Lafford’s proposed building from Plan 360 report presented to Tantramar council.

Despite previous failed rezoning attempts, Lafford is confident this time will go differently, mostly because of the state of the rental housing market. “There’s no housing, zero supply,” says Lafford. “I feel very strong and very confident that we’re going to get the nod from the council just based on that alone, without any bias of what developer, and who’s doing what, where, and how.”

Before Tantramar council voted on whether or not to consider Lafford’s two applications on Tuesday, they heard a presentation from the owner of a neighbouring building, Alexandrya Eaton, who told council she has concerns about the scale and location of Lafford’s proposal.… Continue