Goodbye Lord Amherst, hello Ancestral Drive: process to change street name ‘impressive’ says prof

Earlier this month, the town of Amherst renamed one of its streets. But the problematic name it removed is still in use in the town, because it is actually the town’s name: Amherst.
The town of Amherst, as well the street formerly called Lord Amherst Drive, were named after Lord Jeffery Amherst, the commander-in-chief of British forces in North America during the Seven Years’ War, which saw France surrender Canada to the British.

Amherst’s significant legacy has been tarnished as more becomes widely known about his policies regarding Indigenous people, which includes his suggestion in a 1763 letter to a subordinate, to deliberately infect the Indigenous people he was fighting with smallpox, through the distribution of infected blankets.
“We felt that it may be very good gesture for us as a community to recognize our diversity and our inclusivity by removing the name Amherst from the street, Lord Amherst Drive,” says Mayor David Kogon. The town council was inspired by a similar name change to a street in Montreal in 2019.… Continue