Corner Drug Store to expand capacity for second doses
Eligibility for second doses of COVID-19 vaccinations opens up today to include anyone who got their first shot more than 4 weeks, or 28 days, ago.
In Sackville, the Corner Drug Store and Jean Coutu pharmacies continue to offer first and second doses, however the Vitalité Health Network clinics are the Tantramar Civic Centre are on pause until July 14.
But Sackvillians may not have to worry about reduced capacity locally for vaccinations, since according to local pharmacist Charles Beaver, the RHA, public health and Corner Drug Store are collaborating to ramp up capacity at the Sackville pharmacy.
Here’s Charles Beaver in conversation on Tantramar Report:
“We’re working with Public Health to partner and provide local access at the at the Corner Drug Store site,” says Beaver. “Plans are in the making. And we’re very hopeful that as soon as June 28, there’ll be a lot more access available locally.”
Despite eligibility opening up today, the local second dose rollout will take some time, says Beaver. “It would be impossible to do everybody who was done more than 28 days ago, all in a week, or two weeks, or even three weeks.” Unless there are special medical circumstances, the pharmacy is booking second dose appointments in the order that people received their first dose, focussing on earlier first doses getting an earlier second dose.
Beaver says the increased collaboration with public health will mean more access to vaccine doses, which has been a limiting factor until now, and also to provide more qualified vaccinators.… Continue