Residents share security and privacy concerns over new health centre at Dorchester prison
On today’s show, we listen in to a public meeting in Dorchester as Correctional Services of Canada announces the location of a new Health Centre of Excellence planned for the Dorchester Penitentiary. About 25 residents showed up Thursday evening to ask questions about the security of the new facility, the impact it could have on local services like water and sewer, and the potential for the project to incorporate improvements to local roads.
Plus in briefs, a policy and a bylaw that Tantramar council rejected last week are back on the agenda for Monday’s committee of the whole meeting, a new bank of EV chargers is coming to the Amherst Canadian Tire, and Sackville’s longtime Town Crier, David Fullerton, has died. … Continue
COVID-19 is back at Dorchester Penitentiary with 7 cases this week
There are seven active cases of COVID-19 at the Dorchester Penitentiary according to Correctional Services Canada (CSC). That’s an increase of five new cases since reporting on Tuesday. The cases are all in inmates in the medium security section of the penitentiary.
In a news released CSC states, “we are closely monitoring the situation, and measures are in place to minimize spread of the virus within the institution.” CSC calls the outbreak an “evolving situation”, and says infection prevention and control measures are being used, including provision of PPE and enhanced cleaning. Staff are being provided with PPE including medical masks, respirators, and face shields, and inmates are being provided with medical masks.
CSC says vaccinations are being offered to inmates, and currently 84% of the incarcerated population have had two shots, and 57.4% have had a booster. That’s slightly above the national rate. Across Canada, about 56% of eligible people have received a booster dose.
COVID-19 testing is also being offered, with employees required to attest to a negative rapid test result.
There have been 206 positive cases to date in medium security at the prison, and 58 in minimum security.… Continue