Green Party calls for Higgs to implement physician’s recommendations on primary care clinics and nursing education subsidies
Listen to Tantramar Report for Tuesday, August 30, 2022:
Horizon asks people to stay away from Moncton and Saint John ERs in face of weekend staffing crunch
Horizon Health Network says its Moncton and Saint John hospitals are facing critical staffing shortages this weekend, and so they are asking people not to come to Moncton and Saint John ERs unless they are facing a life- or limb- threatening situation.
Interim Horizon CEO Margaret Melanson made the announcement to reporters Friday morning:
“This is an extreme and serious circumstance and not a decision or request that we make lightly,” said Melanson. “We need to ensure Moncton and Saint John emergency department teams can continue to provide safe and high quality care to those with critical injuries and illnesses.”
Melanson outlined alternatives for care that Horiozon is asking the public to use this weekend, including:
- visiting a pharmacy for prescription refills,
- booking an appointment with evisitNB or your family physician,
- visiting an after hours clinic,
- calling telecare 811,
- visiting, or,
- going to a community hospital with capacity to see patients with less serious ailments.
The Sackville Memorial Hospital ER fits that description and is open this weekend from 8am to 4pm each day.
Moncton ER doctor Serge Melanson encouraged people to consult professionals as advised by the Horizon CEO, but he also gave advice for people wondering how to know when a health issue is potentially life threatening or might “constitute a crisis or emergency.”
“As a general rule of thumb,” said Dr.… Continue