‘There’s still so much that we’re not doing’: Divest MTA leads climate protest Friday

Divest MTA participated in a Defund Climate Chaos Street Art Action by @stopthemoneypipeline in April 2022. Image: Facebook

This Friday, the students of Divest MTA will lead the Mount Allison community in another Fridays for Future global climate strike protest. Divest MTA is a long standing collective movement that is demanding Mount Allison divest its endowment funds from fossil fuels companies. But Friday’s protest has a broader call, says Divest member Kate DesRoches.

“It’s definitely part of a bigger movement that pushes for comprehensive climate action,” says DesRoches. “Our main ask is still divestment, but the Fridays for Future strikes are part of a global movement that is pushing for climate action in general.”

Divest MTA is starting the academic year on the heels of some successes from last year.

“We have a lot of momentum right now, despite the pandemic,” says DesRoches. “This past year, we’ve received a lot of support from the Mount A community. Even the university president has publicly supported us.”

One feather in the cap of the Divest MtA collective was a university talk featuring David Suzuki in November 2021, when the long-time environmentalist lambasted the University for its continued refusal to divest from fossil fuels.

Dr. David Suzuki speaking at Mount Allison University. Divest Mt A members hold up a banner while member Helen Yao asks for Suzuki’s endorsement of divestment. Image: still from Divest Mt A video.

“I think it’s disgraceful that after seven years Mount Allison hasn’t divested,” said Suzuki.… Continue