Possible zoning change to increase allowable height on 108+ acres in Sackville
Correction: A previous version of this story identified one 3.5 acre property on Charlotte Street as vacant in error. The story and chart have been edited to reflect correct information. June 8, 2023, 8:30am
Two public hearings on proposed zoning changes are slated to happen at the end of this month, during Tantramar council’s June 27 committee of the whole meeting.
Approval of both changes would make way for a plan by developer John Lafford to build a six-storey building in the back half of the property at 131 Main Street, current home to the historic Joseph F Allison house, built in about 1841.
In order to make his plan work, Lafford is asking council to rezone the back half of the property to R3, the zone for high density residential development in Sackville’s by-law. At the same time, he’s asking council to change the definition of the R3 zone, to increase the height limit for buildings there from 50 feet to 65 feet. Lafford says he needs the extra height to make the proposed concrete building feasible. “You need scale in order to do what we’re going to do there,” he told CHMA.
But the change that Lafford is requesting won’t just affect the height allowance on his property at 131 Main Street. It will also change the rules for all properties throughout the former town of Sackville which fall under the R3 zone.… Continue