Theatre student presents online workshops for kids

Second-year theatre student Ashlyn Skater is providing an opportunity for kids to participate in theatre during COVID-19.
Skater received a Crake internship grant through Mount Allison University to provide online theatre workshops free of charge.
Ashlyn Skater: We’re going to go over like basic theater concepts. I have some themes set up from now until Christmas, but it will carry on after Christmas as well. So theater basics, characterization, basic theater history. In the winter term, I’m looking to do a reader’s theater project. Whether it’s a project or we do it in a workshop, I’m not sure yet. Basically, that’s what I’m looking to get into.
The workshops are available to kids between grades five and nine on a drop-in basis.
Meg Cunningham: Why did you choose the age range that you did?
AS: I chose that age range because I want to go into education, and that’s kind of the age range I want to teach when I’ve done my undergrad. Also, when I was in high school I helped with the middle school drama club, so I’ve always just liked working with an age group.
MC: Do you anticipate any obstacles due to having to offer the workshops online, since a lot of theater is physical? Or are you prepared for that? What are your thoughts?
AS: I do anticipate some obstacles.… Continue