The swearing in ceremony for the new town of Tantramar council is slated for Tuesday, December 20, at 630pm at the Veterans Community Centre in Dorchester.
Newly elected members of the council shared the news on social media, and new Tantramar CAO Jennifer Borne confirmed the location. Borne says that details of the swearing-in ceremony will be posted on both the Dorchester and Sackville websites when available.
Borne also said that the first regular Tantramar council meeting in January would take place at Sackville Town Hall, as the “required technology is already in place.”
Borne said that once the new municipal council assumes office in January, they will decide on a plan regarding meeting locations, “to ensure civic inclusion for all of Tantramar.”
Borne was unable to provide updates regarding the senior management positions and structure of the new municipality, or the budget for 2023. Provincially appointed transition facilitator Chad Peters is responsible for writing Tantramar’s first budget, and for appointing officers such as Clerk and Treasurer for the new municipality.
Borne said that “over the coming weeks, an organizational structure will be communicated to both staff and the general public.”
Sackville council final meeting next week
The town of Sackville council will have its final meeting on Wednesday December 14 at 4:30pm.
The council will approve payroll for the month of November, and also be asked to approve a transfer into the town’s reserve funds. Any surplus for the town must be transferred to a reserve fund by the end of the year. Those reserves will then fall under the purview of the new municipality of Tantramar council.
Also on the agenda is the presentation of certificates to outgoing councillors Bill Evans, Ken Hicks, Sabine Dietz, and Mayor Shawn Mesheau.
There will be a question period at the end of the meeting for clarification of items discussed.