There is just one week to go for candidates to nominate themselves for municipal elections in New Brunswick, and so far there are just eight candidates registered with Elections NB for the new town of Tantramar.
Tantramar Candidates according to Elections NB unofficial list
Shawn Mesheau
Ward 1 (Dorchester) – One councillor seat available
Debbie Wiggins-Colwell
Robert Corkerton
Ward 2 (West Sackville/Rockport) – One councillor seat available
Ward 3 (Sackville) – Four councillor seats available
Mike Tower
Josh Goguen
Allison Butcher
Ward 4 (Upper Sackville/Midgic) – One councillor seat available
Matt Estabrooks
Ward 5 (Point de Bute/Aulac) – One councillor seat available
Greg Martin
Current Sackville councillor Sabine Dietz says she will be running in Ward 4 (Upper Sackville/Midgic) though she has yet to register.
Two current Sackville councillors have informed CHMA they will not be running: Bill Evans and Ken Hicks. Others are expected to declare candidacy soon, including Andrew Black and Bruce Phinney.
Counting Dietz as a candidate, there are just two actual elections guaranteed to take place in Tantramar, with no contest so far for Mayor, councillors in Ward 3 (Sackville), and councillor in Ward 5 (Point de Bute). There are no candidates whatsoever for councillor in Ward 2 (West Sackville).
There are also no candidates for the elected advisory committee for the new Southeast Rural District which is spread over eight distinct areas of the region, from north of Midgic to the Canaan Bog to the edges of Fundy National Park. So far, there will be no contests required for any rural district advisory committee positions, with those seats either acclaimed or empty.
Local government minister Daniel Allain issued a statement late Friday afternoon encouraging people to run for positions in local government. “Be part of this historic initiative,” says Allain, referring to the local government reform process, which has dissolved and amalgamated municipalities across the province, and eliminated former Local Service Districts (LSDs), incorporating some with municipalities, and combining others into Rural Districts with similar structure to former LSDs.

“The next few years will be crucial for our new local governments and rural districts,” says Allain, “making decisions that will touch all residents. It is more important than ever to make your vote count.”
Allain is promising a social media and advertising campaign to help get more nominations in by the legislated deadline.
Nominations close at 2pm on Friday October 28, and election day is November 28. Neither date can be changed as they are both set in legislation.
Mesheau open house in West Sackville Saturday
A lack of an opponent has not stopped Tantramar mayoral candidate Shawn Mesheau from planning events. Mesheau is hosting an open house in West Sackville this Saturday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm at St Ann’s Church hall on British Settlement Road. Mesheau says he wants to hear from West Sackville residents about the priorities for the area.
CHMA is collaborating on an All Candidates Forum to be held at the Church by the Lake in Middle Sackville on November 12. All candidates in Tantramar will be invited to participate and residents are welcome to come ask questions. The forum will be broadcast live on CHMA, and also later on CFTA.