Sackville Cab is up for sale.
Owner Larry Parsons says he put the business up for sale a few weeks ago because he’s hoping to retire this summer, but he says its been a good business for the last 25 years. “I don’t want to sell,” says Parsons. “I’m 65 and I’m tired…. Your body can only handle so much.”
The business is listed online for $140,000, and Parsons says he is represented by Sackville realtor Grace Nelson.
Right now the business employs five drivers and Parsons says if he can’t find a buyer he will be scaling back to about 40% of his current workload. The business includes four to five cars, radios, the Sackville cab phone number, and a number of regular contracts that provide a steady income for the business.
The contracts include school runs to Cap Pelé and Rockport, a daily work commuter, and transportation for Mount Allison, the hospital, and Ambulance NB. “We have four cars going most the time,” says Parsons. “I just don’t know what everybody’s gonna do.”
Many of Parsons’s customers don’t drive or have access to a vehicle. One customer jokingly told him she hopes she’s passed on before he manages to sell.
Costs have gone up over the years, says Parsons, but the business is still viable. “In the last five years, everything’s doubled,” he says. “It’s still a living, and still good living if somebody wants to do it.”