Tantramar council approves two major Dorchester projects, and commits to new fire hall by 2026

On today’s show, we look at over $1 million in spending approved by Tantramar council on Tuesday for projects in Dorchester, including the reconstruction of Station Road and a new pumper truck for Dorchester Fire. Both projects hit snags with budget limitations before they were approved, but thanks to cautious budgeting for 2024, the municipality has the money to cover them.

But now the race is on to get a new fire hall built in Dorchester, one that can accommodate the new pumper truck, which will be too large to fit into the current Dorchester Fire Hall.

Plus in news brief, a Sackville teen that went missing in Florenceville-Bristol has been found, Tantramar council asks staff to engage with province about Aulac info centre, and the fourth Tantramar Roadshow happened in Upper Sackville on Thursday evening.


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