A motion that would have made it possible for Strait Shores residents to elect a new mayor on April 14 did not receive a seconder in a special council meeting on February 28, and so died on the agenda.
Councillor Stacy Jones made the motion in the special meeting, but neither councillor Tanya Haynes nor acting mayor Annamarie Boyd seconded the motion.
Councillor Andy MacGregor was not at the meeting, because he’s been barred from entering the municipal hall in Port Elgin, in a pre-emptive disciplinary action by council.
It’s not clear if Deputy Mayor Boyd knew she had the legal right to second the motion, because the custom at Strait Shores council is for the mayor not to vote on motions, though the procedural bylaw requires that “every member of the council present shall announce their vote openly and individually.”
According to draft minutes of the February 28 meeting, Deputy Mayor Boyd read the resignation letter from Mayor Jason Stokes. The letter had already circulated widely on social media, and was dated February 13, 2025.
Then councillors Jones and Haynes approved a motion accepting the resignation. But when Jones made a second motion to declare a vacancy on council, Haynes did not second.
CHMA has reached out to Councillor Haynes and Deputy Mayor Boyd for comment.
Friday was the Elections NB deadline to be included in April by-elections. The Strait Shores mayoralty will now sit vacant for the next 15 months, until province-wide municipal elections happen in May 2026.
That leaves four out of five seats filled on Strait Shores council. And since MacGregor remains effectively suspended from council, only three members of council will be able to attend the next meeting, slated for Monday, March 10 at 7:30pm.
The March 10 agenda includes a presentation by resident Stephen Robb, and a discussion of Mayor Jason Stokes’ resignation letter. The agenda does not include discussion or reading of letters sent by Councillors Jones and Haynes, first resigning their positions and then rescinding their resignations, on February 24 and 25, 2025.
Councillor Andy MacGregor has filed a complaint about his suspension with the New Brunswick Local Governance Commission and has been told a decision on the matter could take months.