
Here at CHMA we want to work with our community to ensure that we are not only  accessible, but actively welcoming and effectively empowering our entire community. 

We’ve developed an Accessibility Plan in accordance with the Telecom and Broadcasting Regulatory Policy (CRTC 2021-215) The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Accessibility Reporting Regulations. These regulations were developed by the CRTC to comply with the Accessible Canada Act (S.C. 2019, c. 10).

As a community radio station, we believe that our obligation to promote and empower accessibility is fundamental to our ethos. The Community sector exists specifically to reflect and amplify our local communities: CRTC Campus and Community Radio Policy (Broadcast Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-499).

The Commission considers that campus and community radio distinguishes itself by virtue of its place in the communities served, reflection of the communities’ needs and values, and the requirement for volunteers in programming and other aspects of station operations. 

Our Accessibility Plan reflects the expectations of the regulations and legislation in addition to our internal guiding documents.

As federally regulated broadcasters our station operates in a space governed by several Acts of Parliament to ensure fair and equitable access. This Accessibility Plan complements our compliance with other pieces of legislation such as the Employment Equity Act and the Canadian Human Rights Act.  We are uniquely positioned as a federally regulated industry which offers public access, and volunteering in key and critical areas, doing so in a way which empowers our community is key to our mission and purpose. 

If you have any questions about how we work to promote accessibility, and diversity please contact us 506.364.2221 or by writing