Nearly thirty people showed up at the Sackville Commons on Friday night to watch three New Brunswick punk bands. There was a cover charge, but also a pay-what-you-can option. The idea is to make these shows as accessible as possible, even to kids.
Which is refreshing according to Tantramar Regional High School Student, Seth Thomas.
“A lot of the shows we have here are at Ducky’s or bars, so if I go I’d have to go with a parent,” said Seth.
“And if I want to just hang out with my friends and go to a show, these all-ages shows are pretty awesome for that.”
This is exactly the reaction Glenn Barrington was hoping for when he started the all-ages music series in January. He wanted to provide a place for music lovers to get to gather, regardless of age. So, it isn’t just teenagers who are showing up.
“There’s been really good turnouts, somewhere around 50, 60 people have been coming out,” said Barrington.
“And a really good span of all ages… kids, teenagers, you know, people who are 20s, 30s, 40s all the way up to their, their senior ages, which is awesome.”
Barrington volunteers his time to do this because he grew up organizing and playing in bands, at shows just like this when he was growing up in Sydney Nova Scotia.
“I’ve been putting on punk shows and DIY shows since I was 15 and I’m almost 40-years-old. So yeah, It’s just a thing that I enjoy,” he said.
Seth Thomas agrees that these shows are a worthwhile endeavour.
“I try to come to all of them because it’s really great,” he said.
Barrington said the next all-ages event will be a more “mellow” evening, featuring Sackville musician Steve Lambke and Nico Paulo of Portugal. It is being held on May 16, at the Sackville Commons. The doors open at 6:30 with music planned between 7:00 and 10:00 pm. The cover is $15 or pay what you can.