Amlamgog Youth Powwow this weekend expands with youth social and community feast

UPDATE: The Amlamgog Youth Powwow on Saturday September 28 is moving inside the Dorchester Veterans Community Centre at 4955 Main Street, Dorchester. Grand entry is scheduled for 12pm.

For the second year in a row, Amlamgog First Nation is hosting a youth pow-wow, featuring young dancers and drummers from around Mi’kmaqi. This year, the open invitation event has expanded to a second day, adding an evening youth social on Friday and community feast Saturday evening at the Dorchester Veterans Community Centre.

Amlamgog cultural coordinator Nicole Porter says the youth powwow honours and inspires children. Photo: Erica Butler

Amlamgog cultural coordinator Nicole Porter says the powwow helps Amlamgog youth get inspired by their culture, and helps the wider community learn and reflect on the meaning of the ‘peace and friendship’ enshrined in the treaties of the 1700s. “What better way to share our rich culture than with a powwow,” says Porter. “It’s coming together in friendship, sharing the space, sharing each other’s culture, just as they did in the past when they Europeans first arrived on our shore. Let’s start that again.”

The 2024 Amlamgog Youth Pow wow is happening Saturday at 88 Bernard Trail in Fort Folly, with the grand entry starting at noon. On Friday evening at the Dorchester Veterans Community Centre there’s a youth social including a supper, demonstration of the Mi’kmaq game Waltes, and Mi’kmaq bingo. Saturday’s powwow wraps up around 4pm and will be followed by a community feast at the Dorchester VCC on Saturday evening. Porter says everyone is welcome.


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