Annual ice fishing derby attracts more than 40 kids

A youngster shows off one of the few fish caught at the ice fishing derby. Photo credit: Karen Crawford – Colwell

Few fish were caught, but many good times were had at the Sackville Rod and Gun Club’s annual fishing derby on Silver Lake, Saturday morning. Dozens of kids and their families tried their hand at fishing, and if that didn’t catch their attention there were also hotdogs, chilli and hot chocolate.

The event was free, with equipment and bait provided to each participant. James MacDonald, with other volunteers, were on the ice by 7:30 am, drilling holes with a battery powered auger and prepping the rods and bait.

Grade five student, Mackynlee attends the derby every year. Photo credit: Tori Weldon.

“I think it’s important for kids to know things more than just you know, video games and TV,” said MacDonald.

“When I was growing up, my mom always said like, ‘oh side and blow the stink off you,’ so, this is just an opportunity for that.”

James MacDonald is a volunteer who helped set up the event. He said it’s a chance for kids to try fishing for free, an opportunity they might not have otherwise. Photo credit: Tori Weldon.

10-year-old Mackynlee is a regular at the event. She started fishing when she was two.

“I love, love to reel in fish.”

Dressed warmly in her snow suit, the grade five student said the cold doesn’t bother her at all. She said she fishes often with her family, her favourite fish to catch is bass.


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