Attic Broadcasting, the governing body of CHMA, is inviting you to attend our yearly Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, October 23rd at 7pm. This year we will be meeting both online and in-person.
Our agenda will include reports from the President of the Board, the ED/Operations Director, the financial report, and the election of our Board of Directors.
Everyone is welcome, but only members in good standing are eligible to vote.
If you’re interested in joining our board, please complete the nomination form. Each year we elect 2 Community Members, 1 Community Member Affiliated with Mount Allison University and 4 Mount Allison University Students. 1 of these positions can be held by an non-Canadian member. We strongly encourage members of equity-seeking and equity-deserving groups to apply. Elections will happen at the end of the meeting.
As outlined in out governing by-laws, the various roles of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer will be determined at the proceeding Board of Directors meeting.
Our bylaws, with the complete roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, are available here, and on www.chmafm.com in the “About” section.
If you have any questions, please contact us at station@chmafm.com.
Here is the 2023-24 AGM Package

Attic Broadcasting AGM
CHMA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Attic AGM
Time: Oct 23, 2024 07:00 PM America/Moncton
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 5555 9622
Passcode: 710711
- Call to order
- Introduction of Board, Executive Staff & Executive Director
- Procedures Governing Annual General Meeting
- Additions to Agenda
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes of previous AGM
- Financial Report
- President’s Report
- Motion to confirm all resolutions of Attic Broadcasting Board of Directors
- Staff Reports
- Other business
- Election of Attic Broadcasting 2024-2025 Board of Directors (Explanation of online
voting procedures) (Nominations to be accepted from the floor) - 10 minute recess for tallying
- Announcement of 2024-2025 Board of Directors
- Adjournment