Sackville town council met last night for its monthly discussion meeting.
Among other things, the town saw a brief presentation from planner Lori Bickford outlining two proposed changes to the municipal planning bylaw. The new policies would allow for an “intensive resource” zone within the industrial zone, and also allow for abattoirs within this intensive zone, subject to a development agreement.
“So essentially, what we’ll be doing is looking at anytime an abattoir was proposed by an applicant, it would have to go through a rezoning process, ” said Bickford. “And then it could be examined on a site specific basis within that industrial designated area of town.”
The changes are prompted by a proposal from farmer Chris Pierce, who wants to operate an abattoir, or small slaughterhouse, on Crescent Street in Sackville.
Under the new policies, abattoirs would only be considered within the new intensive use zone, and would only be allowed through a development agreement, said Bickford.
She explained, “in considering a request, council shall consider the separation between residential neighbourhoods, methods of disposal of any non-domestic waste, health and environmental considerations.”
There were no questions after Pickford’s presentation, which is the formal statement that the Town is considering changing the Municipal Plan, and a formal request for the public to submit written comments on the proposed change.
A public hearing on both the proposed bylaw changes and the development agreement specifically for Chris Pierce’s abattoir is set for roughly one month from now, on November 9, 2020.
In an email, Bickford explained that this is the opportunity for the public to speak for or against the proposal. Written comments are also welcome, she said.
The details of the development agreement will be presented at the public hearing on November 9 explained Bickford, the same meeting that the public will be asked to comment on them.
Bickford says the development agreement will also be available for viewing in advance of the meeting at the planning office.