Chris Meaney celebrates Sackville summer shows with Chillteens, Absolute Losers

Sackville’s favourite musical everyman, Chris Meaney, came by the CHMA studios today to promote a new show coming up this weekend at the Sackville Legion with guests Chillteens and Absolute Losers. Chris will be performing as Mountain Climber[s]. Tessa Carroll of the Mixtape Sessions (Thursdays at 6pm) invited Chris in on a quiet holiday Monday to talk about the upcoming show.

Tessa Carroll: I’m your host, Tessa, and welcome to the lunch show. I have a special guest here…

Chris Meaney: Hello! Hi, I’m Chris Meaney. Hi Sackville! How you doing? How are you today? Oh, good, It’s super nice to be here. When we booked this, I didn’t realize it was a holiday. I’m kind of absent minded that way some days. So, you know, I walked in and the town is really, really quiet. But to me that’s a very Sackville summer. Sackville summers are nice and quiet.

Tessa Carroll: Yeah! So you have a show…

Chris Meaney: coming up? Yeah. So, we’ve got a show this coming Saturday night at the Legion. It’s a bit of a rock show, anyone’s welcome. It’s a $10 cover, but if that’s a barrier between anyone and the show, it’s Pay-What-You-Can. If you just want to be there that’s a hundred percent welcome. We wanna make this super inclusive. We have some out-of-town bands, like Chillteens and Absolute Losers, and then I’m gonna play as well. Nice. 

Tessa Carroll: Nice, nice. So it’s a rock show, that’s gonna be a fun time for sure. It’s always a fun time. 

Chris Meaney: Yeah. We’re really looking forward to it, even more often than not. I’m often a technician at shows so I will say: we’re really, bringing it this time. We’re bringing in the equipment and a light show way beyond what’s really possible for me to do by myself. All the bands have agreed to this and everyone’s gonna help set up and do a production that would be more like what you would see at a much larger show. I don’t wanna say full tilt, like the Casino and Moncton level, but closer to that than what we typically do at the Legion. Just kind of trying to make it really fun and exciting for everyone.

Tessa Carroll: I can’t wait. I’m gonna go for sure. Yeah. Thank you. It’s at 9:00 PM?

Chris Meaney: 9pm. Yeah. So we’re gonna ear early-ish for a Saturday night. Yeah, the music will be between nine, nine and midnight. 

Tessa Carroll: Nice. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Is there anything else you wanna talk about?

Chris Meaney: about before? Well, yeah. I just I glazed over at my own project. Um, since we’re here: it’s really new and exciting for me to be playing music. This will be my first show under this new project as a solo artist. It’s my brainchild. It’s a lot of improvisation. And with improvisation it’s based on the structure of comedy called “Yes, and..“. It’s really hard when you’re out there by yourself sometimes to just take every suggestion and as a musical suggestion and say “This is good!” and have faith in it and, and do it. I’m nervous, you know, it’s really fun. I’ve got like a bunch of songs to play as well. It’s a very loose idea, like I said, based off this “Yes, and…” from improv comedy and I hope that the audience does want it, that they wanna have fun and they can be super, super involved with the “and…” of that. I’m gonna go out there and I’m gonna start playing music and if it goes anything like Sappyfest last summer went…people there just wanted to have fun. That’s what my music will sound like that night. It’s very, what do you call it? A relationship, an interdependent relationship, you know?

Tessa Carroll: So exciting. So that’s Saturday at 9:00 PM everyone, so check that out. It’s gonna be a fun time.

Chris Meaney: We’re gonna rock and roll. It’s gonna be a fun time. Thank you, Tessa. Totally. Of course. It’s gonna be awesome. Thank you so much for talking and doing all of this, and, you know, talking here and, and it’s, yeah…100% CHMA! 

Tessa Carroll: CHMA! Yeah! Thank you. Saturday, 9:00 PM. Check that out.

and here’s some inspiration for the dance party you can expect from Chillteens:

[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=880831484 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]

and indie-punk PEI rockers Absolutely Losers keep the energy sky-high:

[bandcamp width=350 height=442 track=331513785 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]


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