Community Calendar

If you’d like something added to our Community Calendar please send us your
local announcements and events. We’ll add them to our calendar and also
get them to our on-air hosts right away.

Artists for Art Fair

Tantramar is seeking talented painters, sculptors, and clay artists to display and sell their artwork at this years Sackville Art Fair! This is a fantastic oppourtunity to connect with art […]

Pick-Up Hockey

Hey hockey fans! Lace up your skates and hit the ice for a great game of Pick-Up Hockey every Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre. […]

Musical Morning

Bill Johnstone Memorial Activity Centre 64 rue Main Street, Sackville, NB, Canada

Looking for a fun and engaging way to kickstart your week? The Family Resource Centre is hosting a Musical Morning Program at the Bill Johnstone Memorial Activity Centre every second […]

Event Series Parents and Tots Skates

Parents and Tots Skates

Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre 182 Main St, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada

Grab your toddler and head to the rink to spend some time on the ice teaching them how to skate! On March 5, Wednesday from 10:15 am to 11:15 am […]

Event Series Public Skates

Public Skates

Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre 182 Main St, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada

Head to the rink for a free public skate! Please note, ice times can be cancelled at short notice.  Be sure to doublecheck the Civic Centre Schedule for the most up to […]

Event Series Drop-in Meditation

Drop-in Meditation

Sackville United Church 110 Main St, Sackville, New Brunswick

The Sackville Meditation Group meets every Monday at 5:15 PM at 110 Main Street, 2nd floor, for an hour of mindfulness meditation—a combination of sitting and walking meditation—followed by tea […]

Winter Ultimate Frisbee 2024/25

This is a great chance to be active, meet new people and learn how to play ultimate frisbee. All skill levels are welcome and no experience is required. Registration is […]

Banff Film Festival Watch Party

Join Moving Forward’s Trails Committee for a movie night! Presenting 5 short documentaries from the Banff Film Festival, including one about summiting of the highest peak in Canada! The screenings […]

MtA Jazz Ensemble: Swinging’ Time at Tweedie

The Mount Allison Jazz Ensemble takes another tour of the styles that built the jazz tradition over a period of 125 years, directed by jazz saxophonist and composer Joel Miller. […]