The following story mentions intimate partner abuse and sexual violence.
The Tantramar COVID-19 Task Force announced a service soon to be available in Sackville.
The group says that Crossroads for Women will extend their Community Outreach program to Sackville for those who can’t make the drive to Moncton.
Community outreach worker Marie-Michelle Haché says that while outreach workers are not counsellors or psychologists, they are able to provide support and resources.
Haché says that outreach workers provide “a good safe space to talk…and problem solve with the client.”
Support includes accompanying clients to medical or court appointments, safety planning for leaving abusers, and teaching skills to avoid further contact from ex-partners after leaving.
Haché has a safe location in Sackville, and will be travelling to town once a month to meet with clients soon.
During the first few weeks of lockdown, Haché says that Crossroads For Women saw a decrease in clients and new referrals.
It is too early to conduct research yet, but she hypothesizes the drop is due to people being stuck at home or in close proximity to their abusers.
As their abusive partners are always around, it makes it difficult or impossible to contact others, leave the home, or have a moment alone.
Folks can reach an outreach worker by calling, emailing, or texting Haché or one of her colleagues.
Safety is always a priority, and outreach workers will ask before leaving voicemails or sending emails.
Outreach support is available for as long as needed and available to all experiencing intimate partner abuse or sexual violence, regardless of how recent the abuse occurred.
Services are free of charge.
Please contact Marie-Michelle at (506) 377-5444 or e-mail marie@crossroadsforwomen.ca.
The Crossroads for Women 24 hour crisis line is also available at 1-844-853-0811.
If you are in immediate danger or fear for your safety, please call 911.
Information on how to clear internet caches and cover your tracks can be found here.
By Meg Cunningham