Drew Nursing Home mourns two residents who died with COVID-19

The Drew Nursing Home is located at 165 Main Street in Sackville, NB. Photo: Erica Butler

Two residents of the Drew Nursing Home have passed away with COVID-19. In a letter to families on Sunday, Drew director Linda Shannon said thoughts and prayers were with the family and friends of the deceased, and also “with all our residents and staff who are going through such a difficult time.”

The outbreak at the Drew, which started with a case diagnosed on September 13, continues with seven more cases diagnosed as of Sunday, stemming from testing done on Friday. An employee at the home says that all Friday’s test results are not yet in, and so more cases could be announced today.

There have been 31 cases so far at the Drew, 24 in residents and 7 in staff.

Another round of testing will start on Tuesday, and testing will continue twice a week throughout the outbreak, says Shannon in her letter.

A provincial PROMT (Provincial Rapid Outbreak Management Team), as well as Extra-Mural staff, retired nurses, and staff from other nursing homes are assisting Drew staff, she says. The province has also assigned social workers to help connect families through phone and video calls. Shannon also says the Red Cross is expected to provide support in the coming days.


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