EOS Eco-Energy is having their Annual General Meeting next Wednesday, May 26 at 7pm. The organization promises to share information about its latest activities as well as a presentation by EOS Energy Coordinator Lauren Clark about Renewables NB.
In April, EOS Eco-Energy secured funding to continue its water quality monitoring program and public education campaign within the Tantramar River watershed. Back in March, EOS presented the results of monitoring and habitat assessments in the Johnson Creek Watershed in the Rockport-Dorchester area.
The organization will also be home to Sackville’s new climate change coordinator. Funding for the coordinator was secured by the town, in partnership with EOS Eco Energy, through the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund. The grant of $33,600 is not the full amount requested, and specific details of the contract or the position have not yet been released.
EOS is also working on two green roof projects, one at Mount Allison University, and another extending the green roof at Sackville Town Hall. The group hopes to plant native grasses, flowers and some edible perennials, like wild strawberry and herbs.
The group is offering an incentive to those interested in attending their AGM next Wednesday. Anyone joining from the Memramcook-Tantramar area, is being asked to send in their street address, for delivery of a treat to enjoy during the meeting.
EOS is asking people to RSVP by email (eos@nb.aibn.com) by this Friday May 21. Participants will be send Zoom links and AGM-related documents before the meeting.