Attic Transmissions is CHMA’s flagship 1-hour weekly music show highlighting our favourites in the local and Canadian music scene.
Just like last week, this week on Attic Transmissions we’ll also be listening to even more incredible musicians part of Telephone Explosion Records. With some more recent artists as well as some rereleased music from a while ago, Telephone Explosion Records is a vital outpost for underground, underheard, and underrepresented music that deserves to be listened to more.
Telephone Explosion Records came by as a cassette-focused local acts label from Toronto founded by Jon Schouten and Steve Sidoli from Teenagers (previously featured in Attic Transmissions) to one of the most prominent labels releasing independent and underground music. Diversifying over time and moving from a garage rock-centered label to more experimental and open types of music.
Melodic Energy Commission – Escargot
Melodic Energy Commission – Gastropods in Transit
New Fries – Lily
New Fries – Bangs
Scott Hardware – Watersnake
Scott Hardware – Summer
Teenanger – Blinds Drawn
Teenanger – Trillium Song
Bob Bell – A Heart Full Of Pride
Bob Bell – Necropolis I
Tony Price – No Control
Tony Price – Learning From Las Vegas