Friday on Tantramar Report: Circuit breaker extended; Farmers’ market makes a move; plans afoot for Moonlight Madness and a concrete skatepark

Listen to Tantramar Report for the following stories:

Circuit breaker extended one more week

The circuit breaker restrictions in place in Zone 1 have been extended another week. Since October 8, people in the Moncton region have been living with a single household bubble which applies to private gatherings. Public gatherings in restaurants and regulated public spaces are still permitted among households. Restrictions in the Saint John region were also extended, but the other circuit breaker areas will end special restrictions as of 6pm tonight.

The province announced 39 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, and the active case count inched up slightly to 464. Zone 1 continues to have cases reported from an unknown origin. Out of nine new cases in Zone 1 yesterday, six are under investigation, two are contacts of previously confirmed cases and one is travel related.

Sackville’s CUPE strikers hoping for good news from Drost and Higgs

CUPE president Stephen Drost and Premier Blaine Higgs met Thursday afternoon and into the evening, discussing possible compromises that could end the week-old strike by CUPE workers. On Tantramar Report, we hear from CUPE zone shop steward Pat Lekas, on the line in downtown Sackville on Thursday. Read the web story here.

Market moves to Lorne Street for the winter, waiting list for vendors

The Sackville Farmers Market is moving to its winter location this Saturday and for the first time in two years, the market has a waiting list for new vendors. The winter location is 18 Lorne Street, the former Kookie Kutter building which now houses the Sackville Commons co-working space. Market manager Michael Freeman tells us more about what’s up at the market on Tantramar Report.

Fireworks coming for Moonlight Madnesss, and council asked to study a concrete skatepark for Sackville

Photo: Erica Butler

When council meets on Monday, recreation director Matt Pryde is hoping to get the go ahead on two projects he has recently taken on: first, Moonlight Madness is coming on November 19 and December 3, and this year the annual event is being organized by Pryde and his department. The plan involves closing some streets, and setting off a fireworks display postponed after the cancellation of the Fall Fair.

Second, Pryde is hoping for council approval to hire Newline Skateparks to study the options for a new concrete skatepark for Sackville. Matt Pryde is on Tantramar Report to give more details about both projects.

On the agenda for Sackville town council: budget 2022, without a climate contingency fund

Sackville town council will meet on Monday for its regular monthly meeting and will consider a number of motions, including the approval of the town’s 2022 budget. But changes proposed by councillor Sabine Dietz to make the budget more climate friendly have not been incorporated. Dietz says she is considering her response and will bring it up directly with council on Monday.

Here’s some other items on the agenda:

  • a new equipment purchase for the Fire Department to replace damaged equipment;
  • an additional $5,000 funding request from the Rural Health Action group to kickstart their work on recruiting health care workers;
  • a new flyer distribution bylaw which would make it an infraction to deliver flyers to a home with “No Flyers” signage;
  • hiring Newline Skateparks for a feasibility study on a new concrete skate park, at a cost of about $12,500;
  • closing two streets temporarily in support of Moonlight Madness events;
  • housekeeping changes to council’s own remuneration bylaw;
  • final readings of an annual bylaw renewal to set a levy rate for the Business Improvement Area, which raises about $25,000 for Mainstreet Redevelopment, the downtown Sackville BIA.

Councillors roundtable: Michael Tower and Sabine Dietz talk shop

On Thursday night Sackville town councillors Sabine Dietz and Michael Tower joined the virtual roundtable to discuss recent issues coming before town council, including far-off plans for a new multipurpose building, a study for a new skatepark, and the 2022 budget for the town. Dietz and Tower also weighed in on the process for setting council salaries and the future of heritage buildings in Sackville. You can listen in to the roundtable here.

Last regular season home game for football Mounties

Men’s AUS football has a big day in Sackville tomorrow. The men’s football Mounties final game of the regular season is happening Saturday starting at 3pm on Alumni Field. The Mounties take on the Bishop’s Gaiters.


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