Zoom is a great way to bring a co-host or a guest on for your show and is preferable than using the telephone call-in. We have an account that we’ll gladly share with our volunteers. Please reach out to station@chmafm.com for the login information.
The process is the same as setting up any Zoom session. Open the Zoom app and choose a date and time for a session, copy the link invitation and send to your guest.
When it’s time to bring them into your on-air program, just open the Zoom app on the host computer in the booth, login to the CHMA account with the information we provided and make sure that the “Host” channel fader is up on the board. This is where there audio will come from. Please note that the booth computer does not have video. The guest will be able to hear the entire programme feed, including the mics, as soon as they join.
Please note that you should mute the guest from the Zoom app if there’s a period of silence from them, such as if you’re playing music from the Host computer (ie, from a browser), as you might mute their mic fader channel if they were in the booth.
It’s encourage to use the Chat feature to communicate with the guest as well.