Learning to preserve food in traditional ways, first workshop tonight

Photo by Natalie Rhea Riggs on Unsplash

EOS Eco-Energy and Open Sky are co-hosting a series of food preservation workshops in the coming weeks.

The first of three workshops is an online pickling workshop happening tonight at 6pm over Zoom.

Participants will learn how to make pickles and “dilly beans” from the comfort of their home.

But that won’t be all, says EOS director Amanda Marlin.

“There’ll be a chance at those workshops for people to brainstorm ideas for resilience to climate change in Sackville, while also building some resilience skills and some traditional skills,,, learning how to make pickles and salsa and dehydrate food and ways we can preserve food for the winter that doesn’t require it being in a freezer, and then of course, you lose power and you lose everything in your freezer. And so you know, getting back to some of our roots and doing things in a traditional way.”

EOS director Amanda Marlin says all ages are welcome to join the free workshops online.

After tonight’s pickling workshop from 6pm to 8pm, there will be a salsa workshop on August 26th, and a Dehydrating Fruit workshop on September 12th.

People can register by calling or emailing EOS Eco Energy.

This is also the final week for another EOS Eco Energy project.

Tantramar residents, businesses and community organizations have until August 16th to answer EOS’s online survey on climate change resilience.

EOS director Amanda Marlin says the online survey is one way the organization will gather input towards creating a local guide to climate change resilience.

“A big chunk of it is looking for ideas. There’s also a section at the beginning trying to gauge how resilient people feel or how prepared people feel, and sort of looking for some insight into what they’re already doing. And then the second part is, you know, what else would we like to see? And what can we do as a community? How can we come together? Because when we’re faced with either a hurricane or a flood or a winter storm or a long term power outage, flooded roads, whatever the case might be, you know, it’s often in the moment we’re coming together as a community as neighbours and as neighbourhoods. And so what else can we be doing together?”

The survey is available on the EOS website until August 16th.


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