MASU calls on students to push for pass/fail option

Jon Ferguson and Charlie Burke sit side by side on a couch with face masks on.
President Jon Ferguson and VP Academic Affairs Charlie Burke addressed students in an Instagram video Nov. 22 (image: Instagram).

Previously last week, CHMA spoke with the president of the Mount Allison Students’ Union, Jon Ferguson, about introducing a pass/fail option for students this semester.

At the time, Ferguson shared that the MASU was pursuing “an emergency meeting of the University Senate to push for a pass/fail option for students.”

In an Instagram video posted on November 22nd, President Jon Ferguson and Vice-President Academic Affairs Charlie Burke inform students that the emergency meeting is not happening.

Jon Ferguson: Thanks again, everyone that voted in the informal poll on the Instagram story. We had over 900 responses, and it was very clear, and over 93% in favor there, that students want to see the pass fail option come back this semester. So we, you know, following that poll, requested an emergency meeting of the Senate and we want to talk to you today to let you know that unfortunately, that request was not successful, which means that the soonest we’re going to be able to bring up the pass fail as emotion in senators December 8th.

Ferguson stressed in the interview last week that it is important that Mount Allison not only provide the pass/fail option, but allow students to choose between a letter grade or pass/fail after seeing their final mark.

Burke says that “December 8 is a little bit late in the semester” for a meeting to secure the pass/fail option.

Charlie Burke: We’re going to need a lot of student feedback in order to convince faculty and other senators in the Senate to vote for this motion. So if you’re passionate about pass/fail, please email me at Or consider speaking with your professors who may be senators on the Mount Allison University Senate about why you think the pass fail motion should succeed.

Students who need help with stress can reach out to the Wellness Centre at or the CHIMO helpline is available 24/7 at 1-800-667-5005.


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