The provincial government has launched 211 NB, “a free, bilingual, confidential resource to help New Brunswickers navigate community, social, non-clinical health and government services,” according to a provincial news release.
New Brunswickers can call 2-1-1 and trained staff will “work to connect callers with services for both everyday needs and times of crisis.”
The service is operated in partnership with the federal government and the United Way.
Greater Moncton United Way CEO Debbie McInnis says the new service fills a gap in access to information that was identified during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. It can help connect New Brunswickers to services helping with everything “from basic needs like housing and food access, to support for youth, seniors, mental health and more,” she says.
To access the service, just dial 211 from anywhere in New Brunswick.
The service is now fully active, providing information and referral services 24 hours a day, everyday.