The provincial government is seeking public comments on the rental situation in New Brunswick.
A news release Wednesday says that, “renters, landlords and developers are invited to submit their personal stories and experiences, both positive and negative, about navigating through the rental system in the province.”
To give feedback, renters are being asked to fill out an online, anonymous questionnaire asking about their rental experience, and giving information about how much they pay in rent, and any increases they have experienced.
It’s been over a month since Premier Blaine Higgs announced a 90-day-review of the rental situation as part of his throne speech. Groups have been calling for a 2% cap on rental increases in the province, a freeze on evictions during the pandemic, and a review of the Residential Tenancies Act.
The government says they will be:
- collecting market and rental data to assess the current situation as well as short and long-term trends;
- looking at what is happening in other jurisdictions;
- and talking with New Brunswickers and stakeholder groups within the province.
You can find more info and the survey at www.gnb.ca/rentals. The deadline to submit is April 7.
Anyone uncomfortable with the online form can call 211 to contribute their story.