Sackville Community Garden gears up for another growing year

Sackville Community Garden organizer Sarah Evans hauling dirt at the Charles Street garden site. Photo: Erica Butler

It’s the time of year when those of us with a green thumb, and even some without, start itching to dig into earth and prepare for another growing season.

For those without a home garden, or in search of a more social gardening experience, Sackville has something to offer. The Sackville Community Garden is located off Charles Street, just the other side of the CN tracks.

CHMA stopped by to check out the garden last week and spoke with steering committee member, Sarah Evans.

“This is the exciting time of year when everything’s just kind of gray and quiet, but the green is just starting to peek out everywhere,” says Evans.

The community garden boasts 28 plots, a composter, water supply, tool shed and a beautiful brick wood-fired bake oven. There’s also a large food forest planted about twelve years ago featuring fruit trees and bushes, herbs and other edibles. Some beehives live nearby for easy access pollination.

“It’s grown up into a pretty intense ecosystem,” says Evans of the food forest, essentially a pperrenial food garden designed to require less tending that an average kitchen garden. “It may have gotten a little bit out of control in the last few years, but we just spent some time on it this spring, and I think it’s going to be really good.”

The community garden project is organized by an informal steering committee of about six people that meets a few times from spring to fall, says Evans, with a wider membership of those tending their own plots or helping out generally. “We just started taking the plot registrations,” says Evans. “So we have a few left, not too many. So if people are interested, they should get on it quickly.”

There is a cost for a plot, but it’s on a sliding scale ranging from $20 to $60 depending on plot size, and the group says it will not turn anyone away due to finances.

A volunteer stonemason contributed this beautiful wall at the entrance of the Sackville Community Garden on Charles Street. Photo: Erica Butler

This year, the group is meeting every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm for ‘garden together’ times, and that includes anyone interested in joining who may not have their own plot. “There’s always different kinds of tasks to do in common areas like the food forest or other spots that need some TLC,” says Evans. “There’s always gardening to do.”

You can find out more about the garden on their website,, and the steering committee is also planning to be at the Sackville Farmer’s Market in early May. Interested would-be gardeners can also drop by the Charles Street site every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm.


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