The intense heat wave may have eased off slightly for now, but a local group is organized to provide respite from the heat with a cooling centre in downtown Sackville. Volunteers at the Sackville United Church decided they could offer a cool space, complete with access to water and wifi, for those having a hard time getting out of the heat.
Volunteer organizer Bruce Moore says once members of the church congregation realized that the town’s normal cooling centre at the Tantramar Civic Centre was occupied with COVID-19 testing, they thought to offer the service at the downtown church.
Hear Bruce Moore interviewed on Tantramar Report:
“A few of us just opened the doors on the weekend, wanting to give people the opportunity to come in and stay cool,” says Moore. “It was quite quick, and we didn’t get word out really well, at first.” The cooling centre is open for the next three days from about 1:30pm to 6pm says Moore, and the intention is to get organized and be ready for the next heat wave. “Should we have another one in August, which I’m sure we will, we’ll be better prepared with longer hours,” says Moore, and getting the word out more quickly. He’s also on the hunt for volunteers willing to help make the cooling centre happen.
“I think members of our congregation, once they hear about it through the week, will step up to volunteer,” says Moore.
Anyone is welcome to drop in while the cooling centre is open, he says. “Just stop on by and walk on into the main area of the sanctuary,” says Moore. “And just find a place to sit where you’re comfortable, and do your own thing.”
Moore says that during future heat waves, people can check the Sackville United Church website or social media channels for information on opening times for the cooling centre.
Though temperatures will remain high today, the Humidex is less severe than it has been in the past week. Environment Canada predicts a high of 27 Tuesday with a Humidex reaching 32, and Wednesday the expected high is 28 with a Humidex of 33.