The RCMP are not releasing much information about a police operation that took place early Wednesday morning on Pond Shore Road in Sackville. At about 6am, area residents report hearing a series of loud bangs that sounded like gunshots, and saw smoke and flashing lights in the vicinity of 106 Pond Shore Road. The house now has boarded up windows.

RCMP spokesperson Hans Ouellette says that seven people were arrested at the residence, and the situation did not pose a threat to the general public. Ouellette said the operation involved the RCMP’s Emergency Response Team and other “specialized policing services”, and was part of an ongoing investigation.
Oullette did not disclose the nature of the investigation or if charges were laid as a result of arrests. “We will provide more information when we are able and it is appropriate to do so,” said Ouellette via email.
The home is owned by widower Reginald Sears, whose grandson Colt LeBlanc is due to go to trial on December 4, facing charges stemming from a police operation at his Upper Aboujagane home in April 2021. LeBlanc alongside his sometimes partner Carrie is being tried on three charges: possession of stolen property under $5,000, possession of prohibited firearms, and possession of an illegal substance for the purpose of trafficking.