Get On-Air!

We do not require our hosts to become voting members of Attic Broadcast, the non-profit that governs CHMA. If you do wish to join and be active please fill out a membership form

Broadcasting Training
Our broadcast is federally regulated and our license is specifically a campus license, so there’s a few things to go over before we get you o
n-air. But we’ve done it a million times so we have the process streamlined.  Our training session is quick (about 30 minutes) and we work with you at the beginning to get comfortable on-air. Once your application is accepted, we can get you on-air within the week.

A quick note to mention that it’s important to highlight that broadcasting on CHMA also means being a member of our non-profit, Attic Broadcasting. We allow non-members to broadcast on CHMA, but it’s still very important that they understand that all the same rules and regulations of the non-profit apply to them. 

STEP 1: Read these documents. This is important for you to understand what we can and cannot do. We have a campus licence and there are some differences in what we can broadcast. 

  1. NCRA Regulatory Survival Guide
  2. Volunteer/Programmer Contract
  3. Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Volunteer

STEP 2: Submit a show proposal