Attic Transmissions is CHMA’s flagship 1-hour weekly music show highlighting our favourites in the local and Canadian music scene.
On this week’s Attic Transmissions, we’re featuring a bunch of upcoming artists that have recently released some music. More specifically, Mas Aya and Colin Fisher’s Double Release Show with Xicada that happened on June 16th in Toronto. As well as Halifax local artist Logan Edward MacKay.
The event was co-presented by TONE and Telephone Explosion Records. TONE is an experimental music series and festival curated by Karen Ng & Tad Michalak, focused on presenting music that pushes creative boundaries across various forms and genres. And Telephone Explosion Records is one of the most prominent labels releasing independent and underground music. Diversifying over time and moving from a garage rock-centered label to more experimental and open types of music.
Logan Edward MacKay – Day Trip
Logan Edward MacKay – Second Talk
Mas Aya – Tú y Yo
Mas Aya – Windless, Waveless
Mas Aya – 18 de Abril
Mas Aya – Tiempo Ahora
Colin Fisher – Monadic Mirror
Colin Fisher – Sanctum
Colin Fisher – XX
Colin Fisher – Guiding Lights
Xicada – close to the fire
Xicada – fire rain
Xicada – universal hum
Xicada – corporeality