Lafford Properties will not have to wait until August to find out if Tantramar council will give final approval on zoning changes that would make way for the company’s proposed development at 131 Main Street in Sackville.
Mayor Andrew Black has scheduled a special meeting for Wednesday, July 19 at 12pm to consider the third and final reading of the bylaw changes that will rezone a portion of 131 Main Street to higher density R3, and then change the R3 zone to allow for buildings up to 65 feet in height. The first and second reading of the changes were approved on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.
Under normal circumstances, three readings of a bylaw amendment are spaced over two regular council meetings at least a month apart, but in this case a special meeting will happen just eight days after the first and second readings.
Black says John Lafford requested the special meeting through the Clerk’s office on Wednesday afternoon. Council’s procedural bylaw says special meetings are called by the mayor, without any detail on what cause or reason the mayor might require.
If and/or when the amendments pass, Lafford says he will be ready to start construction on the property as soon as possible. The developer will still need to get building permits and approvals through Plan 360.
Lafford estimates the construction phase could take 14-16 months to complete. That means a project starting this month could be complete by fall 2024.