Strait Shores says it will look into permanent power source for Port Elgin bridge lights

The lighting of Port Elgin’s walking bridge in 2024 was spearheaded by local resident Jackie Giles. Photo: Jamie Smith

Strait Shores council has voted to look into installing a permanent power source for a bridge lighting project that was spearheaded by local citizen Jackie Giles this past December.

The council passed a resolution with no debate on Monday, instructing the municipality to investigate the best way to install the power source, and depending on the result, take on the installation by September of this year.

Keith Giles came to Monday’s meeting to petition council for help on the project, and started out telling the story of how it came about. Keith’s wife Jackie Giles started the effort and managed to raised approximately $2100 to pay for the lights, said Giles, and that’s when he got involved.

“I did make the mistake and tell her, if she found the lights, that I would put them up,” said Giles with a smile. “So I had to put them up.”

“The response was overwhelming from Strait Shores residents,” said Giles. “With a little help from a small group of volunteers, we were able to decorate the bridge on December 1st for the holiday season.”

But Giles told council the power source for the first year, donated by Blair Spence who owns a nearby building, was in question for 2025. “There’s a good chance that those buildings will not be there next Christmas,” said Giles, and so for the lighted bridge project to continue for another year, a new power supply is needed.

Giles suggested the best option would be for the municipality to install a power source with its own metre at the bridge. There’s also the possibility of running or burying even more electric cables to plug into the new municipal hall being renovated at 11 East Main. He also mentioned the possibility of using a generator, but pointed out it could be a theft risk.

Giles also suggested that in future, council might consider investing in LED lights that are capable of changing colours so that the lighting project could be enjoyed year round.

Giles told council he hoped they could act sooner rather than later. “Christmas is going to roll around,” said Giles. “I know it’s not even spring yet, but before you know it, if we don’t do something about it, we’re going to be wondering where we’re getting power next year.”

Later in the meeting, Councillor Andy MacGregor put forward the following motion:

“I move that Strait Shores investigate the best way to install a power source, ie plug, at the walking bridge that will serve as the source of power for the lights that light up the bridge over the Christmas holidays, and pending the outcome of the investigation, arrange and pay for the installation. It is also stated that this work to be completed before the end of September 2025.”

Council passed the motion unanimously.


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