Tantramar Senior’s College offers non-credit courses to members in Amherst, Sackville, Moncton and Shediac. The charitable organization coordinates volunteer teachers in a wide variety of skill and knowledge areas, and provide class sessions and workshops to their members, who are all aged 50 or over.
Normally, classes are in-person in various locations, but starting this September, the Tantramar Seniors College will be going online, with 15 classes available to members all over the Tantramar region, from the comfort of their very own homes.
Erica Butler called up Senior’s College president Heather Patterson to find out more.
The college normally offers dozens of different classes, though this year there’s about 15 courses on offer. Since transportation will no longer be an issue, all members will have access to all courses, regardless of where they are.
Some classes, like French Conversation, will have limited capacity.
Just one in-person class will be offered. Spaced out Cycling for Seniors starts on October 1 in Sackville, offered by local cyclist Kate Bredin.
Registration starts mid September for classes beginning the end of September. There’s a four day registration window where people can email in their desired courses on a first come, first served basis.
Course listings are available online now.