The province hit another record in daily new cases yesterday, with 86 cases diagnosed since Sunday. There are 41 people in hospital with COVID-19, and 14 of those people are in intensive care. Just over 2000 tests were conducted Sunday, with about 750 of those in Zone 1.
At the Drew Nursing Home, another round of COVID-19 testing begins today. Two people have died at the Drew due to COVID-19, and the case count remains at a total of 31, with 24 residents and 7 employees having been diagnosed with the disease.
The Tantramar Regional High School is hosting a vaccination clinic today. Students under 16 are required to bring a parental consent form in order to qualify. And the Anglophone East School District has announced that Port Elgin Regional School will remain in at-home learning mode for the rest of the week.
The surge in COVID-19 cases continues to cause delays at assessment centres throughout the province, leading to longer-than-anticipated wait times for appointments and test results. The province says it is prioritizing testing for those who have symptoms, and advises that people without symptoms, who are not identified as a contact of a case, should self-monitor and only request a test if they develop symptoms. The province says that people who need a test for travel purposes may have to seek out a private service provider.
The Tantramar Region has its first potential public exposure of the current wave. The Route 16 Diner near Malden has an exposure for Monday September 20th and Friday September 24th, from 10am to 8pm. If you were at a potential exposure site at one of the times listed, Public Health has different recommendations based on your vaccination status. If you are fully vaccinated, they recommended you self-monitor, and take action quickly if symptoms develop. If you are not fully vaccinated, Public Health recommends you book a test immediately online or through 811.
Local artist Alana Morouney has snagged the provincial prize in the BMO 1st Art! Competition, which celebrates outstanding achievements in visual arts among undergraduate students from across Canada. Morouney graduated from Mount Allison in the spring, and her winning piece was part of a graduating students’ exhibition at the Owen’s Gallery. Now people from across Canada will get to see the installation, titled “I’ll get you next time/I keep letting you win so that I can hold your hand”, as part of a virtual exhibition hosted by the University of Toronto.
In advance of National Truth and Reconciliation Day on Thursday, Sackvillians will have a chance to hear Mi’kmaw Ceremonial Elder William Nevin speak on Wednesday, September 29th at Convocation Hall. Nevin is speaking as part of the President’s Speaker Series. His talk, called ‘Then and Now’, starts at 6:30pm at Convocation Hall. Masks and proof of vaccination are required for attendees.
Tune in to Tantramar Report tomorrow at 9am, noon or 4pm to hear an interview with Memramcook-Tantramar MLA Megan Mitton, touching on the COVID testing crunch, health care reform, and the federal Greens performance in the recent election.