An interactive dispensing machine, more commonly referred to as a harm reduction “vending machine,” is on its way to Sackville.
You may remember from a previous story that an interactive dispensing machine sits in a public area and dispenses items such as unused needles, sanitary supplies, or a snack.
The machine also contains information about local harm reduction services, such as a needle disposal site or recovery programs.
The project, headed by Ensemble Moncton with Sackville liaison Ashley Legere, is nearly ready to launch.
Volunteer tradespeople may have been seen by the United Church recently, installing the door that will allow access to the machine at all hours of the day or night.
There is only one small hitch, and that has to do with the post office.
With the red phase of restrictions underway, the machine’s parts are taking longer to ship from British Columbia.
Warren is hopeful that Ensemble’s community sharps containers project will come together around the same time as the machine is assembled.
In the meantime, be sure to check out CHMA’s “How to dispose of used needles” piece to learn how to pick up needles without a sharps container handy.
The interactive dispensing service is being shipped in pieces, to be assembled in the United Church at 110 Main Street.
Expect to hear about the launch from CHMA in mid-February.