Podcast. Ana Rewakowicz.
Water in Conversation is a series of podcasts, in which I engage in conversation with and about water with art students and scientists at Mount Allison University in Sackville, as part of my art residency at Mount Allison. This series comes from my water research and is a small token of trying to create greater water awareness.
Water is the essence of all aspects of our lives. We consume water every step of the way for survival, comfort, leisure or profit and yet, how often do we think of where water comes from and/or where it goes, not as a re/source, or a commodity but as an entity in its own right from which we can learn how to live differently.
Canada is full of water but not all of it is drinkable. Due to environmental pollution, over consumption and climate change, freshwater sources are diminishing at an unprecedented rate. This problem especially affects indigenous communities who live in remote areas and lack water treatment facilities.
In this series, I discuss with scientists issues of water pollution in remote locations, rising sea levels and flooding, and the need for interdisciplinary collaborations, as well as present water experiences and stories written by art students at Mount Allison.
Ana Rewakowicz is an interdisciplinary Polish-born artist, researcher, and mentor of Ukrainian origin based in Montreal, whose artistic practice concentrates on the creation of different patterns of engagement, employing imagination, poetics, technology, and participation.
This project is part of the 2023 Pierre Lassonde School of Fine Arts Artist-in-Residency Program at Mount Allison University.
Also available on Spotify