On Wednesday’s Tantramar Report:
Reinsborough takes on watershed protection in new job
You may know Laura Reinsborough as a the former head of Food for All NB, or as the Green candidate that gave Dominic Leblanc a run for his money in the 2019 federal election. Recently, Reinsborough packed up her family and made the trip westward to Ottawa, where she’s taken up a fascinating new position: Riverkeeper. CHMA called her up to find out more.
More on Sackville’s budget 2022 considerations
CHMA reports back on town council’s discussion of the 2022 budget on Monday night, including taking a look at rising property assessments, and rising costs for policing and insurance in the town of Sackville. Read the full story here.
Circuit breaker measures announced
Starting Friday at 6pm, residents in COVID-heavy areas of New Brunswick, including Sackville, will return to single household bubbles, with flexibility for caregivers and single family members in need of support. No private indoor or outdoor gatherings will be permitted, but people will be able to attend “businesses, entertainment centres and events,” where mask and vaccine mandates are in force. Most non-essential travel in and out of the designated ‘circuit breaker’ zones will be restricted, but the province is making an exception for “travel to events where proof of vaccination is required.” More details here.
As of Tuesday there are 50 people in hospital with COVID-19 in the province, with 23 of those in an intensive care unit. Out of the 50 in hospital, seven people are fully vaccinated, two have had one dose of a vaccine, and 41 are unvaccinated. 90 new cases were reported on Tuesday, with half of those in the Moncton region, and a third of them in people under 19 years of age.
Schools will remain open under the stricter public health restrictions unless specifically closed by public health. Currently five schools in the district, including Tantramar High and Port Elgin Regional School, are in distance learning mode. Tantramar is due to go back to in person learning tomorrow, but Port Elgin will remain on distance learning for the rest of the week.